Fifty years ago Fraser Squadron started teaching safe boating, and that means that this Saturday April 26, 2014 marked the 50th Anniversary AGM for Fraser Squadron.
Owing to the 50th anniversary there was a veritble royalty of members in attendance.
For slideshow of the evening please scroll to the bottom of this article.
A quick summary of the attendees included:
- thirteen Past Commanders with tenures dating back to 1974 included the following:
PC David Williams, PC Norman Dyck, PC George Schurman, PC Brian Smith, PC Rand Lutman, PC Dave Bauer, PC Lindsay Smith, PC Harry Cole, PC Edwin Lockefeer, PC Bob Juulsen, PC Jim Bryant, PC Bob Everson, PC Rick Easthom
- three Past District Commanders
PDC Norman Dyck, PDC Dave Bauer, PDC Harry Cole
- two past Chief Commanders
PCC Norman Dyck, PCC Harry Cole
- one original signator of the Fraser Squadron warrant
Robert Meggy
After the business of electing and swearing in the new bridge was completed, there was a short break followed by merit awards. As a not for profit organization the only means we have of rewarding members for time served is the merit award. With a gamut of merits ranging from one to thirty-nine Fraser continues to show a dedication to teaching safe boating.
Following the merit awards there were a number of special awards as well as our annual trophies.
The {tip John Murray Award::presented in 1977 to Fraser Squadron by the Family of Past Commander Mr. John Murray. This award is bestowed annually to a member of the squadron who has shown Excellence, Helpfulness to those in Distress, and Courtesy on the water.}John Murray Award{/tip} was presented to Jack Tang.
The {tip Brimble and Curran Award::is Fraser Squadron's Outstanding Service award. It was presented in 1989 to Fraser Squadron by the Families of Mr. Al Curran and Mr. Herb Brimble. This award is given, in appreciation, to a member who has contributed Outstanding Service to the squadron.}Brimble and Curran Memorial Award{/tip} was presented to Rick Easthom.
The {tip Stuart Church Award::presented in 1978 to Fraser Squadron by the family of past Commander Mr. Stuart Church. This Award is given annually to a member of the squadron who has gone above and beyond the call of duty in the training department.}Stuart Church Award{/tip} was presented to Bob Juulsen.
The {tip MAREP Award::first presented in 1987, this is Fraser Squadron's service award for best individual effort.}MAREP Award{/tip} was presented to Colin Redwood.
Chief Commander Joe Gatfield issued two commendations to Fraser Squadron. The recipient of the Letter of Commendation was Robert Meggy. A {tip <img src="/images/articles/CPS_HQ_2014_Letter_of_Appreciation.png" height="529" width="404" />}Letter of Appreciation{/tip} was awarded to Jim Bryant.
After the awards presentations it was time for our guest speaker. This year Jeff Engholm of Marine Service Network and Delta Search & Rescue was on hand to give us a rundown on the operation and services of the Royal Canadian Search & Rescue (Station 8 - Delta).
Cmdr Byron Buie - getting ready to call the AGM to order
Cmdr Byron Buie begins the 2014 AGM
Introducing PMD Commander Shirley Shea and her husband Carlos Fuenzalida
PC Lindsay Smith, PC Brian Smith
Executive Officer Dave Mellis giving his AGM report
ATO Nan Lockie read the training department report
Membership Officer Vidus Vitkus giving his AGM report
Secretary Cindy Arbeau giving her AGM report
DC Shirley Shea swears in Byron Buie as Commander for 2014/2015
Presenting Fraser Squadrons 2014/2015 Commander
Swearing in of the 2014/2015 Fraser Squadron bridge.
Swearing in of the 2014/2015 Fraser Squadron bridge
Merit Award - Bob Juulsen
Merit Award - Bill Hawryluk
Merit Award - Bob Everson
Merit Award - Rose Easthom
Merit Award - Rick Easthom
Merit Award - Donalda Buie
Merit Award - Cindy Arbeau
Merit Award - Peter Lefroy
Merit Award - Dave Mellis
Merit Award - Cleve Pryde
Merit Award - Colin Redwood
Merit Award - Vidus Vitkus
Merit Award - Meredith Williamson
Merit Award - Cynthia Zheng
DC Shirley Shea addresses the AGM
John Murray Award to Jack Tang
Brimble and Curran Award to Rick Easthom
Stuart Church Award to Bob Juulsen
MAREP Award to Colin Redwood
Colin Redwood delivers a Fraser Squadron history lesson based on his archive research.
Letter of Commendation was awarded to warrent signatur Robert Meggy
Letter of Appreciation was awarded to Jim Bryant
Tonights presenter: Jeff Engholm of Marine Service Network and Delta Search & Rescue
Somebody will be the winner of this fine hat
One of the emegency kits that were raffled
We have a winner and it fits just right