- Details
The information provided on this page was compiled to assist both incoming and returning officers to understand their duties and responsibilities, and provide a time frame of when these duties are are anticipated.
Click on the postion and and then on Duties or General Calendar to expand each section.
Squadron Commander
Authority: Elected at Annual General Meeting
Reports To: District Commander and Fraser Squadron membersff
- Maintain accountability for the administration of all squadron affairs.
- Appoint a slate of officers, in addition to those elected at the AGM, to carry out the work of the squadron. Direct and assist those officers in their work.
- Call squadron executive meetings once every month, (excluding July and December) more often when necessary.
- Request an explanation from all officers failing to attend. Any officers repeatedly absent without valid reason should be replaced by an active member.
- Establish Executive, Training, Administration and Publications, and Events committees.
- Chair the Executive committee and be an ex-officio member of all other Squadron committees. Call Executive committee meetings as necessary.
- Refer to “Schedule of Operations” during meetings to avoid oversights. Amend and expand the schedule as required.
- Keep Executive Officer (EO) fully informed of all squadron functions and issues in order that he/she may more readily take over the duties of Commander next season.
- Share with the EO the responsibility of personal visits to classes. Speak to instructors, proctors, and individual students to assess progress. Keep on top of the training program.
- Instill in all officers the fundamental concept that "Education is our Business", and let no one forget it or side-step it.
- Attend all district meetings.
- Report all squadron activities to District Commander.
- Report back to squadron executive and membership all district and national matters of concern.
- If unable to attend a district meeting, notify the Executive Officer in reasonable time to attend, and report back in your stead.
- Submit recommendations for merit mark awards to the nation web site (and to District Commander).
- Carry out effective liaison with all other squadron Commanders with an eye towards coordinating efforts, assisting mutually to promote higher standards and sound growth of CPS in BC.
- Above all, ensure that the training department is functioning effectively. Carry out frequent checks personally as to the progress of all classes. If progress is unsatisfactory, enlist the aid and advice of the DTO. If necessary, take over the office of STO or replace STO with a training committee.
General Calendar
Elected to office at the AGM/CoW.
Appointment of officers and committees.
Executive meeting.
Arrange with squadron Secretary to file in writing with the district Secretary the names of squadron delegates and number of votes for district AGM/CoW.
Encourage officers to attend district AGM/CoW.
Call first bridge meeting. Distribute CPS and Fraser Duty Manuals to new bridge members.
Ensure that re-elected and re-appointed Bridge members have CPS and Fraser Duty Manuals.
Ensure arrangements have been made by Administration Officer and Programs Officer for future general meetings, especially Christmas and Graduation parties up to Christmas of the year following.
Confirm meeting dates and programs with Programs Officer.
Confirm graduation dates with district.
Arrange for squadron Training Officer to attend district training meeting.
Work closely with the STO on the organization of courses, instructors, etc. Hold a training meeting of proctors and instructors.
Work closely with the STO on organization of courses, instructors, etc.
File in writing with national Secretary list of delegates to the national conference. Obtain resolution authorizing delegates’ proxy votes.
Address Boating classes, explaining what CPS stands for, what it does, and how it works. Strongly promote writing the final examination.
National conference. Obtain resolution authorizing delegates’ proxy votes.
Check with the Executive Officer on awarding of Pleasure Bent trophy.
Student Cruise.
Christmas Party.
Submit to District Commander recommendations for merit marks for officers, lady associates, and junior associates.
Address new Boating classes (as in September).
Organize Boat Show participation.
Ensure Graduation and Change of Watch functions are organized.
Appoint Cruisemaster for the coming year.
Discuss plans for cruises with new Cruisemaster.
Ensure AGM/CoW plans are on the way.
Activate the nominating committee.
Prepare report on past year's activities with recommendations to incoming executive, to be presented at the AGM.
Ensure final plans are completed for the graduation in May.
Student Cruise
Executive Officer
Authority: Elected at Annual General Meeting
Reports To: Squadron Commander
Assist the Commander in every way possible by looking after detail work while the Commander deals with the broader aspect and with District and National.
- Any tasks as assigned by the Commander from time to time.
- Chairman of the Administration committee and member of the Executive committee.
- Understudy all aspects for the Commander’s office.
- Take the chair at meetings in the Commander’s absence, and to appear on behalf of the Commander at functions where the Commander cannot be present.
- Attend district monthly meetings as often as possible.
- Ex-officio member of the Training, Publications, and Events Committees.
- Assist the Training Officer in organizing registration in September and January.
- Organize Boat Show participation through district Public Relations Officer.
- Organize the AGM/CoW, and the fall and spring student graduations with the support of the Administrative Officer and Programs Officer.
- Update the Officers’ Duty Manual.
General Calendar
Receive all files and records from predecessor.
Attend the spring graduation event.
Attend district AGM/CoW.
In conjunction with the PRO and STO, make plans for publicity for fall courses.
In conjunction with STO, make all necessary administrative arrangements for fall classes and advanced and elective courses.
Assist STO whenever possible.
Select recipients for trophies (Pleasure Bent and Fishing) and arrange for presentation at the Christmas Party.
Organize Christmas Party with the support of the Administrative Officer and Programs Officer.
Obtain trophies from last year’s winners and arrange for engraving of trophies and keeper trophies at the Christmas Party.
Christmas Party.
Organize fall graduation event with the support of the Administrative Officer and Programs Officer.
Assist STO whenever possible.
Fall graduation event.
Organize Squadron AGM with the support of the Administrative Officer and Programs Officer.
Elect recipients for John Murray, Stuart Church, Brimble and Curran, and the MAREP awards and arrange for engraving and presentation at the spring graduation event.
Update the Officers’ Handbook, if necessary, with assistance of the immediate Commander (Ret).
Authority: Elected at Annual General Meeting
Reports To: Squadron Commander
- The Secretary is the custodian of such correspondence as is given by the other officers, the charter of the Squadron, the National and District by-laws and regulations, and other material that may be specified.
- As assigned by the squadron Commander or Executive committee, subject to additions and amendments from time to time.
- The Secretary is responsible for issuing notices calling for meetings of the executive as directed by the Commander, and for keeping minutes of both the executive meetings and general meetings. Minutes should be mailed to the District Commander and each member of the squadron bridge not less than three weeks after date of recording.
- Notifying National Secretary and District Commander in writing of all changes in Officers in the Squadron within 2 weeks of such changes being made. Maintaining a sufficient inventory of stationary and supplies, and writing letters as may be required from time to time by squadron executive.
- Regularly clear, or have someone clear for you, the squadron postal box and distribute mail.
Ladner Postal Outlet
PO Box 18528
Delta BC
V4K 4V7
General Calendar
Receive all files and records from predecessor.
Attend spring graduation ceremony.
File in writing with district Secretary the names of squadron delegates and number of votes for district AGM/CoW. District AGM/CoW.
Christmas Party January Fall graduation ceremnony (bring flags)
Obtain Nominating committee’s report. Prepare notice of AGM/CoW and ensure that it is posted by first class mail at least fourteen clear days before the meeting date.
(N.B.: This notice must contain the report of the Nominating committee).
Authority: Elected at Annual General Meeting
Reports To: District Commander and Fraser Squadron members
- As defined in the Regulations of Fraser Power Squadron
- As assigned by the Commander or Executive Committee, subject to additions and amendments from time to time. Assist the Commander in preparing an annual budget for the Squadron.A member of the Executive Committee and the Administration Committe.
- Responsible for the collection, custody and disbursement of all funds, and for keeping a record of all Squadron money transactions.
- At executive meetings, present a summary financial statement and receive and disburse funds as required. Such report shall include a written statement of the receipts and disbursements covering the period from the last report and from the beginning of the fiscal year and a statement of the financial position as of the date of the report, as compared to the same date in the previous year.
- Periodically receive monies from the Supply Officer from sale of regalia.
- Regularly pay invoices for materials and services.
- Remit to Headquarters on the 30th day of April in each membership year the annual due of CPS collected during April and not later than the 31st day of May. Remit the balance of dues collected as of that date together with all membership cards received from Headquarters and still held by the Squadron as a result of non-payment. Annual dues which are received by Headquarters after May 31st but which are postmarked on or before June 15th will be accepted as received on May 31st.
- In co-operation with the Membership Officer submit a list of the Members who have failed to renew by the 31st day of May to the District Commander.
General Calendar
Receive all files and records from predecessor.
Attend Change of Watch and spring graduation event
District AGM/CoW
Arrange for the three signing officers to fill out signature cards at the credit union or bank used by the Squadron. Also obtain a form, to be signed by the Secretary, showing an excerpt from the AGM which lists the names of the elected Commander, Executive Officer and Treasurer of the Squadron. These three are the signing officers, any two of whom may sign cheques.
In cooperation with Membership Officer, collect the current annual and joining fees from students who desire to join the Squadron after passing the Boating examination. Remit to National that portion of such fees as required by the regulations along with a list of names of these students. Counter-sign all membership cards issued.
Assist in financial matters of any Squadron function such as the monthly meetings, Christmas Party, Graduation Party, etc.
Provide the Squadron Commander with the final membership printout when received from National.
In cooperation with the Squadron Training Officer, prepare for the forthcoming winter courses. Pay for supplies required for courses, as requisitioned by the Supply Officer.
Attend registration. Ensure that all monies and copies of receipts covering course fees are received from the Training Officer, and account for the monies before depositing into the Squadron Bank account.
Send reinstatement dues and the list of all members on advanced courses to National.
Maintain records of dues paid as directed by National. Christmas Party
Issue membership cards as dues are paid. Maintain records of dues paid. Advise Membership Officer of changes of address, telephone numbers and changes in name of boats.
Return to National, at the beginning of January, the first copy of the membership computer printout with appropriate notifications and records of dues paid. Remit National portion of dues.
Attend registration. Ensure that all monies and copies of receipts covering course fees are received from the Training Officer, and account for the monies before depositing into the Squadron Bank account. Attend registration. Ensure that all monies and copies of receipts covering course fees are received from the Training Officer, and account for the monies before depositing into the Squadron Bank account.
Fall graduation event.
Return to National, early in February, the second copy of the membership computer printout with the last of the membership renewals noted. Remit National portion of dues.
Confirm list of non-renewing members with the Membership Officer for amendment of membership records.
Contact the Auditor and offer him/her the opportunity for a preliminary audit of the financial records.
Request a year-end (March 31) inventory of regalia, materials and supplies on hand from the Supply Officer.
Prepare financial statements covering transactions to March 31st. Submit the financial statements and books of account and vouchers to the Squadron auditor for audit.
When the audited books and the financial report are returned make copies of the Financial Report and submit one copy to the National Treasurer and one to the District Treasurer.
Prepare a summary report for presentation to the AGM and arrange for the Auditor’s report to be included in the first issue of the Fairlead following the Annual General Meetings. Attend AGM/CoW.
Admin Officer
Authority: Elected at Annual General Meeting
Reports To: Squadron Commander
- As defined in the regulations of Fraser Squadron.
- As assigned by the squadron Commander or Executive committee subject to additions and amendments from time to time.
- Member of the Publications and the Events committees.
- Works in co-operation with the Cruisemaster, and Programs Officer.
- In co-operation with the Commander, Executive Officer and Programs Officer:
- Organize distribution of tickets for events and socials, and oversee sales of tickets.
- Act as custodian of entry tickets, name tags and registration.
- Arrive at least 30 minutes prior to events starting.
- Fees for events will be as follows for 2002/2003:
i. Monthly events and grads: $6.00/per person for 2 for $10. Graduates and spouse are free for the graduation.
ii. AGM: No charge
iii. Christmas event: As determined by the Executive Committee. - Organize 50/50 draws and prizes.
- Arrange for an officer to greet Members at the door at social functions and to have them sign the register.
- Ensure meetings and events go smoothly.
- Assist with room decorations and layouts.
- Write letters of thanks to speakers in cooperation with the Programs Officer and enclose honorarium.
- Submit to the Treasurer all expense receipts on a regular basis.
- Write articles about social events for the Fairlead with the Administrative Officer.
- Assist the Commander, Executive Officer and Training Officer as required, and take some of the load off other officers in times of pressure.
General Calendar
Receive all records and files from predecessor.
Attend Change of Watch and spring graduation events.
District AGM/CoW.
Finalize plans for December Christmas party in cooperation with the Programs Officer.
Finalize plans for fall student graduation event in cooperation with the Programs Officer.
Christmas Party.
Fall graduation event.
Assist with finalizing programme spring graduation in cooperation with the Programs Officer.
Spring graduation.
Past Commander
Reports To: Squadron Commander and Fraser Members
- Advisory role in support of the current squadron Commander.
- Member of the Executive committee.
- As assigned by Squadron Commander.
- In Fraser Power Squadron, the only duty automatically assigned to the immediate past commander has been to sit on the Nominating Committee. The Committee consists of the Immediate Retired Commander and the two previous Retired Commanders with the most seniority normally chairing the Committee. N.B. If any of these three retired commanders is unavailable, the most recent prior member of the Nominating committee should be called upon to fill the vacant position.
The Commander Retired’s actual value to the Squadron, of course goes much further than this. He/she automatically has a seat on the new Executive Committee where he/she assumes the role of adviser. By drawing on his past experience, he/she provides a valuable overlap. With the right advice at the right time, much floundering can be avoided by the new Executive Committee.
Quite apart from the details above, a retired Commander should not be permitted to “go to seed”, but should be assigned, and should be willing to accept, several specific active assignments. The choice of these assignments may depend largely upon his past experience to the squadron.
If his experience has been administrative, there is still much to be done where his past experience will be of value. He/she can be asked to chair special committees such as Financial Reviews, or Revisions of squadron Procedures and Practices. He/she is a natural choice to work with the Public Relations officer to devise and expand ways of improving the CPS public image.
In general, his experience, advice and active assistance should be welcomed. The wise CDR (RET) however, will not attempt to impose his own ideas on the new executive, but will go along with the new leadership quietly and without glory.
For the Commander(RET) who seeks further fields to conquer, there is always district and eventually national to look to for further challenges. ?
Training Officer
Authority: Appointment Confirmed by AGM
Responsible to: Squadron Commander
- As set out in the regulations of the Fraser Power Squadron.
- In the absence of the squadron Commander and the squadron Executive Officer, perform the duties and exercise the powers of the squadron Commander.
- Chairman of the Training committee and member of the Executive committee.
- Convene a Training Committee to review and develop course plan for the year. Should consist of Assistant Training Officer, proctors, instructors and students from previous year.
- Stay current with changes to courses and materials and report problems with material back to District.
- Responsible for liaison with the training department of CPS through the District Training Officer.
- Attend district training meetings and, when unable to attend such meetings, ensure that an Assistant Training Officer attends on your behalf. Report back to Bridge meetings on pertinent information arising from the district training meetings.
- Look for ways to increase enrollment in Basic, advanced and elective courses. Work closely with the Executive Officer on registration, and the Public Relations Officer on course promotion.
- Obtain feedback from students to measure quality of service delivered by training department.
- Answer queries from the public regarding courses, CCG requirements, VHF requirements, etc. Also redirect queries to membership, national, etc. as required.
- Plan for the future good of the training department, personnel, resources, venues, instructor training, etc.
- Communicate information generated by the training department to other affected officers.
- Monitor performance of registered providers.
- Maintain records and paper flow as required by bridge, district and national.
General Calendar
Receive all files and records from predecessor
Attend Change of Watch and spring graduation event.
District Change of Watch.
Call training meeting to to decide which courses are to be held during the coming year, and appoint an Assistant Training Officer.
Appoint lecturers and proctors for various courses in consultation with ATOs.
Advise School Boards of classroom requirements and submit advertising for School Boards’ calendar of fall courses. Arrange additional advertising through the Public Relations Officer for the fall courses.
From District Training Officer ascertain if any course material is changed, and arrange with the Supply Officer to obtain course texts, supplementary texts, and other materials for every course.
Arrange lectures and proctors for various courses in consultation with the Assistant Training Officers.
Work with Advanced A.T.O. for advanced courses.
July - August
Through the Public Relations Officer, Ensure all courses are receiving publicity and all courses planned are published in Fairlead.
Prepare, publish and distribute up-to-date instructor handbooks to all boating instructors. These handbooks should be recovered from inactive instructors.
Prepare posters and have same printed and distributed to Yacht clubs, marinas, marine supply stores, marine dealers, shopping centres, etc. (In conjunction with the PRO)
Discuss registration plans with the Executive Office. Finalize training plans and hold a training meeting with all Assistant Training Officers, instructors and proctors and the Training Aids Chairman for the purpose of outlining the year’s training activities and their individual responsibilities.
Prepare lecture schedule for Boating class and information sheets regarding advanced and elective classes.
Send courses and dates to D.T.O., R.T.O., Communications Officer, District Commander, Editor etc.
In conjunction with the Supply Officer, assemble Boating class notes/homework assignment binders for Fall boating classes and order Navigation Kits.
Contact last year’s failures to encourage them to repeat course.
Write to Boat Show prospects of registration date. (???)
Advise Cruisemaster re: familiarization cruises if they are to be conducted for Boating classes. Submit data to Editor of Fairlead.
Ensure all publicity is in place. regarding advanced and elective classes.
Ensure that training aids are distributed to instructors by the Supply Officer.
Do the opening training remarks to classes.
Ensure that advanced and elective course students are members in good standing of CPS. Obtain original certificate numbers as these will be required when ordering examinations. (Advanced ATO).
Organize Student Cruise with Cruisemaster and Chief Proctor.
September – December
Receive applications for Boating Courses that may result from the advertising programs.
Sept., Jan., Feb.
Visit classes on opening night. Supervise enrollment with Assistant Training Officers and instructors.
September - March
Visit various classes. Watch for poor lecturers to avoid in future. Watch for drop-outs and attempt to regain.
November - December
Arrange for December examinations for the accelerated Boating class. Complete the application forms for thee examinations, obtain Squadron Commander’s signature on the forms, and submit the forms to the District Training Officer or his designate.
Order exams, arrange for examination rooms, examination supervisors and markers.
Issue Fraser membership application forms to join C.P.S. to Boating Students in Conjunction with the Commander’s speech encouraging students to join.
Send Winter courses and dates to D.T.O., R.T.O., Communications Officer, District Commander and Editor, etc.
In conjunction with the Membership Officer, complete CPS 2 form and send to CPS headquarters. (Typed list is much preferred).
Mark examinations.
Notify successful fall Boating Class graduates. Ensure that copies of membership applications have been forwarded to the Membership Officer and the Treasurer.
Finalize plans for Winter classes. See June to August above.
Advise Commander of persons deserving merit marks.
Christmas Party.
Dec., Mar., May
Arrange for supervision of exam writing. Arrange for exam markers.
Attempt to learn from Boating students their interest in other courses for future planning.
December – February
Visit boating classes to distribute FPS membership applications and encourage students to join the Squadron.
Enrol the spring Boating and Elective courses (if any).
Visit each class at least once.
Arrange for the notification of successful Boating graduates.
Fall graduation event. Mail “Certificate of Completion” to all successful students that will not be at the Graduation. See September to November above.
Finalize exam dates for advanced and elective courses. Apply for exams and arrange for supervision of exam writing.
Ensure that certificates are available for Fall graduates to be presented at the student graduation ceremony by the Commander.
Watch for possible successor to this position and give name to the Nominating committee if requested to do so.
Watch for possible new instructors and proctors.
Advise squadron Commander of persons deserving merit marks.
Prepare report for the AGM.
Organize student cruise with Cruisemaster and Chief Proctor.
Advise Commander of all members who have been successful in passing elective and advanced courses - from pink form. Advise Commander and Membership Officer of all successful Boating graduates.
Order exams, arrange for examination rooms, examination supervisors and markers.
Ensure certificates and lists of successful Boating graduates, Elective and Advanced course graduates will be available at graduation. See November above
Make a list of new members who have offered assistance.
Mark examinations.
Advise Executive Officer of names of all Fall and Winter Boating class students who have passed (or are awaiting exam results) and advanced and elective class student who have passed (or are awaiting exam results) for inclusion in the graduation program.
Notify successful Boating class graduates.
In conjunction with the Membership Officer, complete CPS 2 form and send to CPS headquarters.
Mail “Certificate of Completion to all successful students.
Attend AGM/CoW and report.
Ensure certificates are available for spring graduates to be presented at graduation event.
Assistant Training Officers
Authority: Appointment by Squadron Commander
Responsible to: Squadron Training Officer
Positions:Two (one Ladner / one Richmond)
- Member of the Executive and Training committees.
- As assigned by the Squadron Training Officer or squadron Commander.
- Oversee the appropriate classes and assist the Training Officer in selecting suitable instructors and proctors.
- Responsible for obtaining training material and aids for instructors and returning same.
- Attend registration nights to ensure that enrollment goes smoothly, and give opening instructions to students when required.
- To oversee the performance of all instructors during the training season, and ensure that there is an instructor for each class.
- To be prepared to personally step into any breach, and take over temporarily the duties of any instructor in an emergency or arrange for a suitable substitute, in cooperation with the Training Officer.
- In conjunction with the Chief Proctor and Training Officer, ensure that the proctor system is functioning properly.
- Circulate through the classes to ensure the training program is operating properly.
- Keep a class roll with addresses, phone numbers and e-mail addresses.
- Phone students who miss two or three consecutive classes to ascertain reason and to see if assistance can be given.
- Assist Squadron Training Officer regarding exam requirements, dates, etc.
- Supervise examinations for advanced and elective courses in co-operation with STO.
- Advise Squadron Training Officer regarding familiarization cruise requirements for Boating classes if applicable.
- Encourage Student involvement in CPS. ie: Membership advantages and be the front line liaison between Student and CPS.
- Will be responsible for either the area of Richmond or Ladner.
- Arrange Student Cruises
- In cooperation with STO and PRO assist in promoting advanced courses to the general membership.
- Work with membership officer to ensure that all registrants for advanced and elective courses are members or associate members in good standing at the time of registration or are in the process of being reinstated.
General Calendar
Receive all files and records from predecessor.
Attend spring graduation event.
District AGM/CoW
Attend training meeting when called by Squadron Training Officer for the purpose of outlining the year’s training activities and their individual responsibilities.
Work with Squadron Training Officer to assemble Boating class notes/homework assignment binders for Fall boating classes and order navigation kits.
Assist with Boating and advanced/elective class registration.
Visit classes on opening night and make remarks to classes if required.
Ensure that advanced and elective course students are members in good standing of CPS. Obtain original certificate numbers as these will be required when ordering examinations. (Advanced ATO).
Confirm dates for student cruises with Squadron Commander.
Sept / Jan
Visit classes on opening night. Supervise enrollment in conjunction with the Squadron Training Officer.
Sept / Mar
Visit various classes. Watch for poor lecturers to avoid in future and provide feedback to the squadron Commander. Watch for drop-outs and attempt to regain.
Nov / Dec
Arrange with Squadron Training Officer for December examinations for the Boating class.
Work with squadron Commander to ensure exams are ordered, and to arrange for examination rooms, examination supervisors and markers.
Assist with examination marking.
Work with the Squadron Training Officer to finalize plans for Winter classes. See June to August above.
Christmas Party.
Dec / Mar
Coordinate with Squadron Training Officer to arrange for supervision of exam writing and exam markers.
Attempt to learn from Boating students their interest in other courses for future planning.
Dec / Feb
Visit boating classes to distribute CPS membership applications and encourage students to join the Squadron.
Enroll the spring Boating and Elective courses (if any).
Visit each class at least once.
Fall graduation event.
See September to November above.
Work with Squadron Training Officer to finalize exam dates for advanced and elective courses and to arrange for supervision of exam writing.
Ensure that certificates are available for Fall graduates to be presented at the Student Graduation Ceremony by the Commander.
Watch for possible successor to this position and give name to the Nominating committee if requested to do so. Watch for possible new instructors and proctors.
Work with Squardon Training Officer to organize Student Cruise with Cruisemaster and Chief Proctor.
Work with Squadron Commander to ensure exams are ordered, and to arrange for examination rooms, examination supervisors and markers.
Ensure certificates and lists of successful Boating graduates, Elective and Advanced course graduates will be available at Graduation.
See November above.
Make a list of new members who have offered assistance and provide the list to the Squadron Training Officer.
Mark examinations.
Ensure certificates are available for spring graduates to be presented at graduation event.
Training Aids
Authority: Appointment by Squadron Commander
Responsible to: Squadron Commander
- Responsible for maintenance of a Training Aids inventory, custody and loan of Fraser Squadron Training Aids, handouts, reviews, projectors and other similar items.
- Responsible for loan of training aids to Assistant Training Officers and Instructors.
- Responsible for ordering of films and other aids for Training Department if required, and to edit and reproduce videos for instructors when required.
- Responsible for reviewing aids used by Instructors and other Squadrons, District or National, and recommending to Executive Committee the obtaining of good aids.
- Responsible to provide to the Bridge an inventory of the Training aids at the September and January meetings.
- Responsible to provide equipment for socials i.e. screens, projectors, sound equipment, etc. if required.
General Calendar
Sept / Jan
Provide an inventory of Training Aids at the Bridge meetings.
Receive all records and files from predecessor.
Attend Change of Watch and spring graduation events.
District AGM/CoW.
Provide an inventory of Training Aids at the Bridge meetings.
Christmas Party.
Provide an inventory of Training Aids at the bridge meetings.
Fall graduation event.
Graduation Banquet and spring Grad.
Authority: Appointment by Squadron Commander
Responsible to: Squadron Commander
- As defined in the regulations of Fraser Squadron.
- Member of the Administration Committee.
- Process all reinstatement requests.
- Enroll all new members and keep an up-to-date record of membership.
- Look after transfer requests from members of other Squadrons.
- Ensure certificates are obtained for new members on a timely basis for presentation.
- Process Junior Associate membership applications,. Encourage Junior Associates who are about to reach the age of eighteen to become full members.
- Contact delinquent members and encourage renewal.
- Maintain an adequate supply of application forms, transfer forms, etc., and provide these to instructors at the appropriate times with instructions on their use.
- Attend advanced and elective course registrations to enable reinstatement or confirmation of membership in good standing of all registrants who are or wish to be Fraser members.
- Forward to the Squadron Treasurer on a continuous basis all sums received by members for the payment of annual dues, maintaining a record of remittances.
- As assigned by the Squadron Commander or Executive Committee subject to additions and amendments from time to time.
- Advise Fairlead editor, Propwash and National of all changes of address of members, changes to boat names, etc as they are received.
- Notify they National Secretary, District Secretary and any other appropriate departments of any membership changes as required.
- Receive all correspondence from headquarters regarding the payment of annual dues and coordinate necessary activities.
General Calendar
Receive all files and records from predecessor.
Attend Change of Watch and spring graduation event.
District AGM/CoW.
Obtain from Squadron Training Officer a list of all Boating graduates. Complete four copies of form P-13 (Application for Membership), and three copies of form P-14 (Application for Certificate of Qualification – Junior Associates only), and mail to National with cheque. Advise Fairlead editor and Propwash of any new members joining the Squadron.
Attend advanced and elective course registration.
Nov / Feb
Provide application forms, transfer forms, etc., to instructors at the appropriate times with instruction on their use.
Assist Training Officer to complete “CPS2” form from fall Boating Class.
Update Fraser mailing list and Prop Wash mailing list for new members joining the Squadron upon successful completion of the Boating course (see notes for May).
Christmas Party.
Obtain from Squadron Training Officer a list of all Boating graduates (see notes for May).
Fall graduation event
Authority: Appointed by Squadron Commander
Responsible to: Squadron Commander
General Calendar
Receive all records and files from predecessor.
Attend spring graduation event.
Attend district AGM/CoW.
Obtain a list of training materials required for September from Squadron Training Officer and requisition same.
Discuss advertising materials required to promote the fall classes with the Public Relations Officer and the Training Officer and order required materials.
Finalize registration supply requirements with the Executive Officer and the Training Officer.
In conjunction with the Training Officer, prepare homework notes and binders for Boating classes.
Attend class registrations or have someone attend for you who can distribute supplies to new students, in Boating, Advanced and Elective courses.
Attend registration to distribute materials.
Follow up with materials for late registrants.
Finalize supply requirements for the Winter classes (see June to August above).
Christmas Party.
Fall graduation event.
Attend class registrations or have someone attend for you who can distribute supplies to new students, in Boating, Advanced and Elective courses.
Follow up with materials for later registrants.
Order flags for Fall graduation event.
Order flags for spring boating class graduates and incoming Bridge.
Order flags for fall boating class graduates and incoming Bridge.
Order Merit Marks and 5, 10 and 15 year plaques as required for May COW.
Change of Watch and spring Grad
Authority: Appointment by Squadron Commander
Responsible to: Squadron Commander
- To ascertain requirements of and to purchase Canadian Power Squadron standard regalia, insignia and educational supplies from national headquarters, using the standard purchase order from and giving the purchase order number with each order.
- To turn over as and when necessary to the Treasurer, all cash received from the sale of regalia, insignia and educational supplies to members. The Treasurer shall issue a receipt for the monies received.
- To ensure that sales of CPS insignia are made only to current members of CPS. Names and current memberships should, wherever possible, be verified prior to delivery of such insignia.
- To keep accurate and up-to-date records of all purchases and sales of regalia, insignia and educational material.
- Maintain records of any inventory consigned to other members of the squadron for official distribution.
- Inform squadron membership from time to time of interesting items available from headquarters such as books, badges, flags, etc. that could be used as gifts for Christmas, birthdays, etc.
General Calendar
Receive all records and files from predecessor.
Attend Change of Watch and spring graduation events.
Order flags for fall boating class graduates and incoming Bridge.
District AGM/CoW.
Discuss advertising materials required to promote the fall classes with the Public Relations Officer and the Training Officer and order required materials.
Christmas Party.
Attend Fall graduation event.
Order flags for fall boating class graduates and incoming Bridge.
Order flags for spring boating class graduates and incoming Bridge.
Attend spring graduation event.
Public Relations
Authority: Appointment by Squadron Commander
Responsible to: Squadron Commander
- Member of Training committee and chairman of the Publications and Events committees.
- Place ads for courses in spring and fall e.g. Richmond Continuing Education and Ladner Delta Optimist.
- Publicize the objectives of CPS, the primary objective of which is to promote safe boating through education.
- Encourage public participation through membership in CPS.
- Continually be on the lookout for new ideas and methods to further the CPS image and our educational aims.
- Provide “write-ups for Fairlead with regard to Fraser Squadron training, events and activities - providing to the Editor in due time for publication.
- Co-ordinate with Administrative Officer and Programs Officer the distribution of tickets, advertising of events, and completion of sub account sheets.
- Provide Treasurer with invoices for all advertising and public relation activities.
- Handle miscellaneous public relations activities and correspondence, where and when the need arises.
- May be called upon to speak to Boating classes on CPS in general along with manners and customs.
- Do other advertising or promotional events as approved by the Bridge.
- Undertake other duties as assigned by the Commander from time to time.
General Calendar
Receive all records and files from predecessor.
Attend Change of Watch and spring graduation events.
District AGM/CoW.
Discuss promotional requirements for the fall courses with the Training Officer.
Implement an approved plan of publicity for Boating courses commencing in the fall. Co-ordinate with the Squadron Training Officer.
Notice to Continuing Education for December / January issue.
Discuss promotional requirements for the spring courses with the Training Officer.
Assist in publicity of Christmas Party.
Assist in publicity for fall graduation event.
Implement an approved plan of publicity for Boating courses commencing in spring. Co-ordinate with the Squadron Training Officer.
Christmas Party.
Fall graduation event.
If requested, assist the District Public Relations Officer in plans for the booth at the Boat Show.
Assist in publicity of spring graduation and Change of Watch ceremony.
Change of Watch and spring graduation event.
Authority: Appointment by Squadron Commander
Responsible to: Squadron Commander
- Member of the Publications and Events Committee.
- Responsible for promoting MAREP program, including arranging for a spokesperson to attend all Squadron classes to explain the MAREP program.
- Responsible for encouraging members of Fraser Power Squadron to participate in MAREP.
- Promote safety to Squadron members by whatever means available - writing for “Fairlead”, distributing CPSS and Canadian Coast Guard safety materials, and in cooperation with Programs Officer assist in arranging for speakers.
- Maintain a supply of MAREP forms and distribute to members as required.
- Receive MAREP reports from Fraser members and forward them to the District MAREP Officer.
- Maintain records of MAREP reports submitted by members.
- Report on MAREP as required.
- Once each year, make a presentation to members about the MAREP program. This is typically done at the AGM/CoW
- Other duties as assigned from time to time.
General Calendar
Receive all records and files from predecessor.
Attend Change of Watch and spring graduation events.
District AGM/CoW.
Ensure all MAREP’s submitted to Canadian Coast Guard for the national competition.
Speak to Boating students about the MAREP program.
Christmas Party.
Fall graduation event.
Speak to Boating students about the MAREP program.
Spring graduation event.
Authority: Appointment by Squadron Commander
Responsible to: Squadron Commander
- Member of the Publications and Events Committee.
- Responsible for promoting MAREP program, including arranging for a spokesperson to attend all Squadron classes to explain the MAREP program.
- Responsible for encouraging members of Fraser Power Squadron to participate in MAREP.
- Promote safety to Squadron members by whatever means available - writing for “Fairlead”, distributing CPSS and Canadian Coast Guard safety materials, and in cooperation with Programs Officer assist in arranging for speakers.
- Maintain a supply of MAREP forms and distribute to members as required.
- Receive MAREP reports from Fraser members and forward them to the District MAREP Officer.
- Maintain records of MAREP reports submitted by members.
- Report on MAREP as required.
- Once each year, make a presentation to members about the MAREP program. This is typically done at the AGM/CoW
- Other duties as assigned from time to time.
General Calendar
Receive all records and files from predecessor.
Attend Change of Watch and spring graduation events.
District AGM/CoW.
Ensure all MAREP’s submitted to Canadian Coast Guard for the national competition.
Speak to Boating students about the MAREP program.
Christmas Party.
Fall graduation event.
Speak to Boating students about the MAREP program.
Spring graduation event.
Asst. CruiseMaster
Authority: Appointment by Squadron Commander
Responsible to: Squadron Cruisemaster
General Calendar
Receive all records and files from predecessor.
Attend Change of Watch and spring graduation events.
District AGM/CoW.
Student Cruise.
Christmas Party.
Fall graduation event.
Student Cruise.
Spring graduation event.
Fairlead Editor
Authority: Appointment by Squadron Commander
Responsible to: Squadron Commander
- Member of the Publications and Events committees.
- Compile suitable material for Fairlead. Solicit material, if necessary, from members. Arrange for printing, collating and distribution of Fairlead on a timely basis as per the calendar, and ensure printing to provide proper notice of AGM, cruises, social events, graduation events, etc. During winter months arrange for sufficient extra copies to distribute to Boating students. Maintain a current mailing list.
- Provide the Bridge with “dead-line” dates so that those responsible for establishing events can advise the Editor well ahead of publication closure time of the date and location of all such events.
- Maintain a current mailing list.
- Arrange for publication and distribution of special bulletins when necessary.
- Make recommendations to the Commander regarding a suitable Assistant Editor.
- Other duties as assigned by the Commander from time to time.
Asst. Fairlead Editor
Authority: Appointment by Squadron Commander
Responsible to: Fairlead Editor
Authority: Appointment by Squadron Commander
Responsible to: Squadron Membership
Authority: Appointment by Squadron Commander
Responsible to: Squadron Commander
- Record the past and ongoing events of the squadron.
- Assemble and maintain a photograph collection of Squadron Commanders, members, special events, candid shots, etc.
- Assemble and maintain Squadron awards and memorabilia.
- Compile and maintain book to house the above.
- Prepare columns associated with Squadron history for publication in the Fairlead.
- Assist Bridge Officers where necessary to ensure the smooth running of events, socials and training.
- Undertake other duties as assigned by the Commander from time to time.
General Calendar
Receive all records and files from predecessor.
Attend Change of Watch and spring graduation events.
District AGM/CoW.
Student Cruise.
Christmas Party.
Fall graduation event.
Student Cruise.
Change of Watch and spring graduation event.
Authority: Appointment by Squadron Commander
Responsible to: Squadron Commander
- Member of Publications and Events committees.
- Responsible for the phone committee, and coordinating notification to squadron members of special events or notices.
- Act as liaison between members and Executive committee in respect to pertinent information about members.
- Assist Membership Officer in contacting late renewals.
- Undertake other duties as assigned by the Commander from time to time.
General Calendar
Port Captain
Authority: Appointment by Squadron Commander
Responsible to: Squadron Commander
Authority: Appointment by Squadron Commander
Responsible to: Squadron Commander
- Participate with the District Environmental Officer and other squadrons’ officers to develop and co-ordinate environmental initiatives and programs within the district, especially those affecting the home squadron.
- Keep squadron members informed of new Federal, provincial and local environmental environmental regulations and developments which affect boating (including on-board equipment) and the marine environment.
- Collect pertinent information and literature from news media, periodicals, government, local publications and the District Environment Officer on environmental issues affecting local areas, development of new products and equipment, and communicate that information to Squadron members.
- Develop programs, presentations, or informative environmental articles for squadron, to encourage Squadron members to promote safe boating practices which do not harm the environment and are conducive to its preservation and enhancement.
- Promote to the squadron members the use of environmentally safe products.
- Provide assistance to the District Environmental Officer and other squadron Environmental Officers in setting up displays and/or presentations concerning information about the marine environment and boating practices at meetings, boat shows, etc., within the context of CPS displays, presentations, etc.
- Develop environmental presentations to students in squadron courses.
- Communicate member’s concerns about environmental issues to the squadron bridge and, where appropriate, to the District Environmental Officer.
- Keep the District Environmental Officer informed about environmental program activity in the squadron.
- Perform duties as may be assigned by the squadron bridge or Commander.