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Serving Delta, Tsawwassen, Ladner and Richmond

humpback whale

For many of us, living on the west coast of Canada means getting out on the water and enjoying the incredible spectacle of the nature that surrounds us. For others that enjoyment extends into a passion. A passion to understand and protect that marine environment.


MERS 240x74The Marine Education and Research Society (MERS) is one such group with a passion to understand and protect. With a focus on Humpback and Minke whales, MERS also works to reduce harm to other marine species and to educate the public on how to best protect our natural gifts.


mers yield 200x200Maybe you've seen their campain posters at your marina reminding us to be cautions and respectful around marine life. If you haven't and you want to learn more about what this hard working group of people are doing please follow the link.


Social Events

We want to make our squadron better and by better we mean we want to include more of - YOU - in it. We want activities tailored for what you would like to see more of. Take a couple of seconds and help make your squadron better. 

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Squadron Cruises

A Maritime Mobile Service Identity is a nine-digit number that uniquely identifies your boat, you the owner and your contact information. Each Digital Selective Calling radio needs to be registered and assigned an MMSI number. Your DSC radio can be used to send a distress alert to the Coast Guard and nearby vessels (with DSC radios in receiving range) or to selectively contact another vessel when you know its MMSI number.

If you have relatively new VHF radio in your boat, chances are it is equipped with Digital Select Calling or DSC. The most important feature of a VHF DSC radio is that you can send a Distress Alert which will tell the Coast Guard and other boaters in your area that you require immediate assistance.




- 有资格在自己的船艇上悬挂加拿大国家游艇总会会旗,展示自己合格和过硬的船艇知识和驾艺


- 有资格选修高级课程,进一步提高加强行船的知识和技艺


- 收到加拿大游艇期刊,包括国家游艇总会 CPS 的专栏


- 太平洋陆区的队员可收到六期《太平洋游艇》(Pacific Yachting) 期刊


- 菲沙中队队员能定期收到《望海镜》,一份由菲沙游艇中队编撰发行的出版物,报导讨论本地与游艇活动有关的消息


- 可以享受 Johnston Meiser 和一些保险公司的游艇保险费 


- 在安大略省、B.C. 弗罗里达州和加勒比海的游艇租赁公司,队员可享受 5 - 15% 的折扣价,甚至能享受一些租车公司的优惠价


- 能够通过参加总会的讲座,行船安全项目和各种活动,队员可以扩展自己的游艇爱好者网络圈,同时,不断增进自己的相关知识


- 有资格参与志愿者活动,如:课程辅导,教练助手,将自己的经验知识与其它人分享


- 有资格加入本总会指挥部,帮助新的队员和延续和发扬舰队的各种项目

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